Sunset Application For Employment
Applicant Information  (Please fill in required fields)
M:      D:      Y: 
Invalid date
Emergency Contact
Residential Address
Mailing Address (if different)

Employment History  (Authorization required with history)
Position / Title Employer Location Date Started Date Ended Pay Rate ($)
Position and Availability  (Please fill in required fields)
(please choose all that apply)
(please choose all that apply)
(please choose one)
$ per hour
(required for seasonal employment)
(please choose one used the most)

Available to work the following days/times (please check all that apply):*
Shift Availability Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
AM   (5am - 11:59am)
PM   (12pm - 11:59pm)
Day time   (10am - 8pm)

Locations available to work (please check all that apply):* *spots available only during Summer Outdoor Pool Season (May through September)
*Washington DC
Certifications  (Both Issuer and Date are required)
Issuer Expiration Date
Lifeguard and CPR
Invalid date
Pool Operator
Invalid date
Equal Employement Opportunity Commission - Self Identification
Sunset Pools Management Inc. is subject to certain nondiscrimination and affirmative action recordkeeping and reporting requirements which require the employer to invite employees to voluntarily self-identify their race/ethnicity. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information obtained will be kept confidential and may only be used in accordance with the provisions of applicable federal laws, executive orders, and regulations, including those which require the information to be summarized and reported to the Federal Government for civil rights enforcement purposes. If you choose not to self-identify your race/ethnicity at this time, the federal government requires this employer to determine this information by visual survey and/or other available information. For civil rights monitoring and enforcement purposes only, all race/ethnicity information will be collected and reported in the seven categories identified below. The definitions for each category have been established by the federal government. If you choose to voluntarily self-identify, you may mark only one of the boxes presented below.


What is your race/ethnicity?
Please mark the one box that describes the race/ethnicity category with which you primarily identify.

Employee CommittmentPlease read carefully and acknowledge below  (Please check the box at the bottom)
As a professionally Trained Sunset Pool Management Employee I will:
  • Arrive to work on time (which means 10-15 min before your shift starts);
  • Know and enforce all pool rules without favoritism;
  • Know and adhere to all county health codes;
  • Always be in uniform while on duty;
  • Maintain current certificates in Lifeguard/First Aid/CPR and a county Pool Operator’s license when applicable;
  • Ensure all safety equipment is in working order;
  • Maintain a clean and safe pool facility (includes pool, deck, bathrooms, stock and arrange towels depending on the pool);
  • Smile and greet every guest;
  • Not have personal visitors to the pool. If somebody is coming to pick you up, they have to wait in the lobby or outside – NOT in the pool.
  • Not make personal phone calls;
  • Not read while anyone is in the pool;
  • Not use electronic devices while on duty (includes but not limited to phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops);
  • Sit in the designated guard chair at all times, unless cleaning;
  • Scan the pool every 10 seconds when I am on duty;
  • Never leave pool unattended (not even for 5 seconds);
  • Promote a pleasant working environment for fellow employees and others that may come in contact with throughout my shift;
  • Be responsible for my schedule hours and request days off by contacting my supervisor at least 2 weeks in advance;
  • Work through my stated period of employment;
  • Not allow anyone in the pool without a valid pool pass;
  • Remember that all patrons (guests) are our clients. They should be treated in such manner that will ensure their satisfaction while visiting a Sunset Pools managed facility;
  • Always remember that the duty of all pool staff is to assure the safety and protection of life to each patron using a Sunset Pools management facility.
Terms and ConditionsPlease read carefully and acknowledge below  (Please check the box at the bottom)
  • I will safeguard the patrons for whose care I am entrusted. I will exercise care in the use and operations of all equipment and materials at the pool for which I am responsible, and I agree to competently enforce all required rules.
  • I agree to work my scheduled hours on holidays including New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
  • I authorize Sunset Pool Management, Inc. to release information regarding my job performance to a prospective employer, unless otherwise stated. I also authorize any previous employers and/or references listed to release information regarding my performance to Sunset Pool Management, Inc. unless otherwise stated. I waive all rights to bring any action for defamation, invasion of privacy or any similar cause of action against anyone contacted as a result of what he or she may say about me.
  • I acknowledge that employment at Sunset Pool Management, Inc. will be at-will and that either Sunset Pool Management, Inc. or I reserve the right to terminate the employment at any time, with or without cause, at its discretion. I also acknowledge that no agreement to the contrary will be recognized by Sunset Pool Management, Inc. unless made in writing and signed by the President/CEO of Sunset Pool Management, Inc.
  • I understand the rigorous demands of lifeguarding and declare that I am able to perform the essential functions of the position(s) I am applying for.
  • I understand that any charges, false statements or misleading omissions made by me in connection with my application, or in responding to requests for information, can be sufficient grounds for my rejection as a candidate for employment or for immediate termination of my employment at Sunset Pool Management, Inc.
  • All disputes arising under or relating in any way to this Agreement or Employee’s work for Sunset Pool Management, Inc. shall be brought exclusively before American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) and be governed by AAA’s Employment Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. If such Employment Rules are no longer in force, general Commercial Arbitration Rules shall govern. All such proceedings shall take place exclusively in either Arlington or Fairfax County, Virginia.
  • I agree that pictures or videos may be taken of me while I am on duty for training and improvement purposes.
  • I agree to wear at all times while on duty the required uniform which will be given to me before or on my first day of work and it’s price to be deducted from my paycheck or I may pay for it in advance.
  • I understand that I must be certified by the American Red Cross for Lifeguard/CPR/AED/First Aid. If I am attending the training provided through Sunset Pool Management, Inc. to become certified I understand that $200 will be deducted from my paycheck or may be paid to Sunset Pool Management, Inc. in advance.
  • I understand that Sunset Pool Management, Inc. requires all employees to hold a Pool Operator certification. Depending on the county/city regulations you may be required to take a Pool Operator Class first and pass it successfully, and then apply for a County Certified Pool Operator License. If needed, we will assist you in obtaining this licenses. Depending on the county/city regulation there may be a cost of $75-$150 for the Pool Operator Class and or/License which can be paid in advance or we can pay it for you and then it will be deducted from your paycheck.
  • I understand that I am responsible to return all property of Sunset Pool and/or their Clients or repay the cost of lost and/or damaged items due to negligence during my employment. I authorize Sunset Pool Management, Inc. to deduct the appropriate sum from my paycheck and any outstanding amount will be due and payable to Sunset Pool Management, Inc. upon my termination unless otherwise agreed upon and received in writing.
Criminal HistoryPlease read carefully and select appropriate entry below
Under Virginia Law, an employer may not require or demand, as condition of employment, prospective employment, or continued employment, that individual submit or take a lie detector or similar test. An employer who violates this law is guilty of misdemeanor and subject to a fine not exceeding $100.

Employee AgreementPlease read carefully and acknowledge below  (Please check the box at the bottom)
  • I understand that I will be required to wear a uniform while working. I also understand that I must adhere to several grooming policies. Grooming standards are as follows:
    • Hair must be neat, conservative, clean and in place throughout your shift, hair must be a “natural color” defined as one that would grow naturally visible;
    • Tattoos must be covered by clothing, make up or band aids;
    • Body piercings and visible dental ornamentations are unacceptable.
    Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action which may lead up to or include termination.
  • I have read and understand the Blood borne Pathogen Exposure plan and its policies and I agree to abide by them. I understand any violation of the above policies is reason for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • I have read and understand the Personal Protective Equipment policies and procedures and agree to abide by them. I understand any violation of the above policies is reason for disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • As a Sunset Pool employee, you will not be expected to handle any hazardous chemicals. However, it is important that you read the information contained herein so that you are aware of OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard and some important points about the hazardous chemicals that might be present at your worksite.
  • Overview of OSHA Hazard Communication Standard – The purpose of OSHA regulation is to ensure that information concerning the hazards of all chemicals in the workplace is transmitted to employees. We transmit this information to our employees in accordance with OSHA’s requirements by means of container warning labels, safety data sheets (SDS) and the training of employees who actually handle the hazardous chemicals.
  • Product labels – All containers of hazardous chemicals are labeled with the identification of the chemical and appropriate warnings from the manufacturer. Do Not Remove or deface any labels or warnings on a chemical container. If you observe any unlabeled or unmarked containers, contact your immediate Supervisor.
  • SDS – SDS sheets for all hazardous materials are kept in the 3 ring Management Binder at each facility under our management. A copy of all SDS sheets is also kept at our office. The product name of each SDS will coincide with the name found on the chemical label.
  • Emergencies – In the event of a suspected leak or other hazardous chemical problem, immediately clear the area and contact your immediate supervisor.
  • Hazardous Chemical Handling – Individuals who have not received and acknowledged in writing completion of the OSHA Chemical Handling course shall NOT handle any hazardous chemicals on the job.
  • I verify that I have read and understand the OSHA Hazard Communication Information above.
  • I understand that due to my occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials I may be at risk or acquiring hepatitis B (HBV) infection. I have been given the opportunity to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine at no charge to myself; however I decline to do so at this time. I understand that by declining this vaccine I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. If in the future I continue to have occupational exposure to blood to other potentially infectious materials and I want to be vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine I can receive the vaccination series at no charge to me.
  • I have received a copy of the rules and regulations and will adhere to them at all times. I also understand that if I am found violating any policy/procedure I will be faced with disciplinary action including and/or leading up to immediate termination.
Acknowlegement and SubmissionPlease read carefully

I have recorded my Social Security Number on the front page of this application and certify that all information provided is accurate.

I have completed the application to the best of my knowledge and can attest that all information is correct. In addition, I was given the proper amount of time to read and understand all terms and conditions pertaining to this job offer. I will do everything to the best of my ability to respect and follow these regulations.

I understand that if false information is provided it is cause for immediate termination from employment.

As soon as you review the policies and rules, return to this page and click the SUBMIT button to send your application to the HR deparment for further processing.

Please click to review and save the Sunset Pool Employee Policies and Rules.

Submit Application